100 - Concrete Sand

Knife River – South Dakota Product #40861


Color: Tan to light brown
Shape: Subangular to rounded
Size: US Sieve #4 to #200
Weight: Approx. 1.4 tons per loose cubic yard
Source: Corson Sand Plant, Corson SD
Available at: Corson Sand Plant, Corson SD, Madison St. Distribution Yard, Siuox Falls SD


  • Fine aggregate in Portland Cement Concrete
  • Drainage/filtration medium
  • Granular fill
  • Bedding medium
  • Blotting sand for prime coat
  • Sand for flush seal
  • De-icing sand
  • Blotting sand for fog seal

Mechanical Analysis Data

Sieve2015 % average passingConcrete Material SpecASTM C33 Fine Aggregate SpecSD DOT FA Spec

Physical Properties

ResultASTM C33 Fine AggregateSD DOT Specification Sec. 800.2

Bulk Specific Gravity

(ASTM C127)


Absorption (%)

(ASTM C127)


Sodium Soundness Loss

(SD 220Q, ASTM C 88) + #4

1.610% max10% max
Bulk Unit Weight (pcf)100.0N/AN/A

LA Abrasion Loss

(SD 221@Q, ASTM C131) Grading B

50% maxN/A

Lightweight Particles (coal & lignite)

(Sp. Gr. Under 2.00, ASTM: C 123)

0.2%1.0% max1.0% max